
"Start With Heart.

Create With Paint"

About Moi

To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

So, Marly. Who are you and where did you come from?

After high school I studied Interior Design and got my Diploma in Arty Farty-ness. I was also a keen finger painter at preschool, so my future was pretty much decided at 5 years old.

When I'm not a wife and mum (aka. chef, taxi driver, financial planner, cleaner, blah blah blah), my creative alter ego gets to play ball. Marly is merely a hybrid of my name, carLY MARie. Yup, told you I'm super creative.

In 2015, it was my Dad's 60th birthday. The funds were short, but the birthday important, one a Westfield Gift Voucher wasn't gonna cut. It had been 10 years since I'd put brush to easel back in Year 12 art class.  $20 later I bought a cheap canvas, 3 bottles of cheap paint, a cheap brush and crossed my fingers. Sensing a cheap theme? Don't worry, it didn't last. I eat fancy cheese now. Dad was a Springsteen fan, so Bruce was my first subject and the present a big success....it went straight to the pool room.

I did another painting for my mum a few months later, then started to think maybe this could be a 'thing'. I mean, if your Mummy and Daddy say you can be 'anything you want to be', well I suppose for the first time, with those teenage angst years long behind me, I really listened.

Since then, more than 70 Marly commissions have gone out into the world, including Canada, America, England, Switzerland & Ireland. I've also love to indulge in a bit of Graphic Art and occasionally take the odd photo. I work my 'day job' in the Financial Planning & Insurance business just to really confuse you.

I believe that hommus is life, tea is compulsory, plastic sucks, music is medicine and the mountains will always have my heart.

I'll be honest, I don't expect to take the art & design world by storm. I just love creating. It's my happy place and keeps me from being sucked into a Netflix binge vortex entirely.

It's as simple as that.


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